11 Facts about Youtube.

Here's a brief description of youtube.
Well below are some facts you may not know about youtube.

YouTube is a video sharing website (video sharing) the most popular today. The user can load, view, and share video clips for free. Generally the videos on YouTube are music clips (video clips), movies, TV, and video made ​​by the users themselves. Format used in YouTube videos are. Flv can be played in a web browser that has the Flash Player plugin.
1. YouTube was founded in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees, namely Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim.

2. At first the Youtube headquarters located on the second floor above a pizza restaurant and Japanese restaurant in San Mateo, California.

3. Beginning of the first video on Youtube entitled Submitted Me at the Zoo, featuring Jawed Karim at San Diego Zoo. Until now, the video can still be watched on youtube.

4. Youtube Beta test launching in May 2005, six months before the official launch held in November 2005.

5. In July 2006, or eight months after its inauguration, there were 65,000 new videos uploaded to Youtube site every day, with 100 million views / day.

6. The selection of the name www.youtube.com cause problems for a site named like, www.utube.com. The owner of the site, Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment, filed a lawsuit against YouTube in November 2006 after being overloaded on a regular basis caused by people looking for YouTube.

7. In October 2006, Google.Inc buy Youtube worth 1.65 billion U.S. $.

8. In 2007, Youtube had consumed bandwidth equal amount of overall bandwidth internet in the world in 2000.

9. In June 2008 Forbes magazine reported that YouTube revenue during 2008 is estimated at 200 million U.S. $.


10. In 2008 YouTube was awarded George Foster Peabody Award and for being instrumental Speakers Corners and participate in the development of democracy and freedom of speech.

11. Today Youtube Video site online provider becomes dominant in the United States, maybe even the world, with 43% control of the market. An estimated 20 hours duration video uploaded to YouTube every minute with 6 billion views / day.

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