Top 10 Iconic Places to Photograph #Part1
I was asked if I could name a “bucket list” of iconic places in the
world for photographers. It didn’t take long. Certain places attract
photographers like magnets attract iron filings; we are drawn to them
without quite knowing why. Nor do we absolutely have to know. For some
of us it will simply be the joy of collecting the trophy pictures we’ve
always wanted to take. But for others, myself included, the exercise has
something more to do with understanding both ourselves and the world.
Here is my list (not terribly original, I’ll admit), with my reflections
on why these places are iconic to me. I’m absolutely sure that everyone
will have a different top ten. But just as going there and taking the
pictures was a deeply rich experience, so too is the simple act of
asking which ones—and why?

1. Antarctica
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Even today, Antarctica
overwhelms us. Already iconic, seared into our imaginations from the
tales of heroic exploration and tragic, fatal failure of the last
century, Antarctica overpowers us from afar, humbling even seasoned
travelers, more vast in reality than our imaginations can muster.
Relegated to obscurity at the bottom of our schoolroom globes, our scant knowledge ill prepares us for the stunning outbursts of towering mountain ranges ripping across the face of the deep blue sky, the sublime blue and turquoise icebergs and glaciers, and the inconceivable abundance of life. Indeed it is the limitless nesting colonies of penguins, always comical but utterly indifferent to human visitors, that ultimately define Antarctica as a world unto itself.
Iconic Shot: Besides penguins? Any view that encompasses Antarctica's vast scale and distances.

2. Venice, Italy
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Graceful, beautiful, and constantly enchanting, Venice
is also a prime example of the tragic, all-consuming lust for wealth,
power, and sordid ambitions. That all these contradictions coexist in
such a sumptuous milieu makes it, rightly, a destination synonymous with
worldly experience. “See Venice and die” puts the city squarely at the
ultimate conclusion of any bucket list. For the Victorians life was not
quite complete, youth not adequately finished until Venice was crossed
off the list. Yet it surmounts all the clichés; it's never tawdry,
always remarkable. Today, this island city of lost hegemony is a museum
unto itself, a time capsule we can’t quite bear to relinquish. It is so
Iconic Shot: Gondolas on the Grand Canal

3. Machu Picchu, Peru
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Lost to most for 400 years under the encroaching jungle of the high Andes, Machu Picchu’s
magic was rekindled after iconic explorer Hiram Bingham rediscovered it
in 1911 and brought it to the modern world. A century later it is still
astounding, evoking wonder for the Inca kings and their opulent retreat
in the high mountains, a stupendous sanctuary wrapped by surrounding
mountains, plunging valleys, and ever swirling clouds. Even the llamas
seem to be able to hear their ghosts. The stone houses and avenues, the
plazas and sacred sites all speak to us of life still present but
unseen.Iconic Shot: From the terraces above, where Hiram Bingham made the original photographs for National Geographic magazine
Get tips for photographing Machu Picchu

4. Stonehenge, England
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Few places invoke timelessness like Stonehenge.
The absolute knowledge that every year for the past 5,000 years the
Earth, the sun, and Stonehenge have all lined up just so that the rays
of light glancing across the face of Salisbury Plain slip through the
upright stones— it sets our sense of cosmic order on fire. The rocks
hulk there, brawny yet graceful, set in place by crafty people we can
scarce imagine or recall. Then the moment is gone and we realize that
we, too, have been aligned, if only briefly, with time itself.Iconic Shot: The sun's rays intersecting with the stones in some way
Get tips for photographing Stonehenge

5. Taj Mahal, India
Photograph by Jim Richardson
The Taj Mahal
is famous for being beautiful (certainly), famous for being the symbol
of enduring love (perhaps,) and most of all famous for being famous.
Even if it were not sublime symmetry set in stone, its proportions
elegantly tempered by centuries of monumental building by the Mughal
rulers of central India, it would still beguile us for its place in the
history of world travel. For centuries it was the “must see”
tourist sight of them all. Millions of photographs have been taken from
the exact same spot at the reflecting pool, each “perfect” in the same
way that the marble monument itself is perfect. In some ways taking that
picture is a pilgrimage of its own, seeing for oneself what millions of
others have also seen.Iconic Shot: Down the reflecting pool, framing the Taj between the minarets. Source Article
#Part 2
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