Top 10 Iconic Places to Photograph #Part2

6. Easter Island
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Standing in their haunting rows, Easter Island's
statues, called moai, arouse our subconscious thoughts. The stone
statuary, at once unreal and yet known to us deeply, conjure up ancestor
worship in exactly the way the islanders, lost in the vast Pacific,
likely intended. Our imaginations reel at the solitude: Polynesians made
their epic journey across the vast Pacific to this speck of an island,
and then no one else came for nearly a thousand years. Left to their own imaginings, the islanders invented their own version of eternity. In the darkness, under the southern starry night, the hulking statues have the power to haunt the mind like few other places on Earth.
Iconic Shot: Tongariki with the long row of moai looming above

7. Ta Prahm Temple, Cambodia
Photograph by Jim Richardson
The temple of Angkor Wat, rising out of the Cambodian
jungle, is the world’s largest religious structure. But nearby is
another temple, Ta Prohm, less grand in scale but more penetrating to
the psyche. Here the roots of towering strangler figs cascade over the
intricately carved stone walls, framing doorways. They depend on each
other, neither the walls nor the trees able to stand without the other.
The roots snake over and around the religious symbols, looking like
synapses of some ancient central nervous system, connecting lost
thoughts set in stone.Iconic Shot: The temple's doors framed by roots

8. The Serengeti, Tanzania
Photograph by Jim Richardson
Serengeti offers an epiphany to most visitors: Wildness still has a
place in our world. Out on the sun-drenched grasslands of Tanzania,
life is elemental, the food chain obvious and unsentimental, the art of
survival an everyday thing, kindness and mercy totally without
relevance. The great migrations combine the many actors into a vast,
thronging drama. The immense vistas are tranquil but for the stalking
shape of a lion in the tall grass. We are intruders here redeemed by
accepting our insignificance. It is both humbling and comforting.Iconic Shot: Symbolic views and shapes that evoke primeval emotions

9. The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
Photograph by Jim Richardson
The Pyramids
virtually define the concept of iconic, their very triangular shape
instantly recognized, seared into our collective human cultural
blueprint, defining place, time, and ethos. That shape! And so for some
4,500 years they have been the most wondrous of wonders, in a league of
their own, unchallenged for their sheer audacity, paragons of all
design. And then there is the Sphinx, a riddle evoking a mystery that we
don’t want solved. Lurking always, somehow more intriguing the less we
know about it, especially beguiling in old photographs when it was
buried up to its neck in the sands of the Egyptian desert. Tombs to
kings, monuments to human aspiration, all under the blazing Egyptian
sun.Iconic Shot: Exploring their many alignments, from a distance for stacked shapes, up close for the intimate connections

10. Papua New Guinea
Photograph by Jim Richardson
In the highlands of Papua New Guinea
we come face to face with the parts of our mind that the modern world
has hidden away very well. The Huli Wigmen (and many other peoples and
cultures) carry forth traditions rooted deeply in time and mind,
dredging out inner spirits and (through intricate outfits and lavish
makeup) wearing them proudly at sing-sings. The transformation from
everyday folk to apparitions from the spirit world is astounding.
Looking into their faces we confront our own unresolved, fractured
nature. Throughout Papua New Guinea each group displays, with pride,
their own identity and inner being.Iconic Shot: The faces in the dances, characters brought to life. Source Article
#Part 1
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