10 Craziest Door Knockers

Derek Bernstein's cast bronze door knockers will bring giggles to any cat lovers that come to your door and perhaps remind them of gifts presented by their own felines. Just slap the mouse against the door for admission. (Link | Via)

Finnish door knocker. (Link)

That's a good option to scare off Jehovah's witnesses. (Link)

Woodpecker door knocker. (Link)

Barcelona, Spain. (Link)

There are all sorts of ways to draw attention to your door and tricks to coerce people into thinking certain things. However, what could send a clearer message than a big freaking skull? (Buy it Here)

How romantic is that? Every time you knock, they kiss. (Link)

People love dogs—there is no doubt about it. Some love them so much that they insist on defiling their homes with all things dog related. Case in point, the Doggie Door Knocker pictured above. (Link)

Cruel door knocker. (Link)

Clever idea to keep the baby sleeping. (Link)

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