Do not eat anything when really hungry! Why?

When feeling very hungry, you should resist the urge to eat. Why? Because let yourself eat when it's hungry will make you forget yourself and constantly chewing the food there. The result, swells and the weight comes later regret. Check out the tips when you are very hungry and restrain not to eat more, as reported by the India Times (29/05) below.

Hunger is a sign of hunger, but hunger usually caused by excessive you work too hard and forget about the feeding schedule.


First, you should be aware of your eating habits every day schedule. After that, you should comply with the needs of the abdomen to fill time. Remember, eating little but often better than eating a lot though rarely.

Hungry or thirsty? 
Do not rush to eat when feeling very hungry, because who knows exactly only dehydrate the body and sends signals to the brain to tell you to fill it.

Feeding schedule. 
So when the right time to eat so that you do not often hungry? Best tips is to bring a nutritious lunch you can enjoy before you feel hungry. But lest satiety when eating lunch you bring, because the feeling of hunger and satiety are not good for your body.
What kind of food.
You also should pay attention to the type of food you consume. Change your daily diet with more nutritious foods and nutritious to avoid excessive hunger.

Other tips.
Do not leave your breakfast to avoid excessive hunger. In addition, you should be diligent eating foods low in calories but high in protein and fiber. The last tip is stay away from foods that contain sugar can destroy the balance in your blood sugar levels.

With the refrain from eating when feeling very hungry, you will be able to maintain your ideal weight. Good luck!

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